The World Economy and International Business runs on Big Data.

The World's Economy has been digitalized since the Global Pandemic.

Fact: You could not leave your home. You had to learn how to get necessities for your families via phone or computer. This global problem forces us to become part of the digital world.

As you placed your orders, the data on you and your purchases were stored for future use by corporations. This Big Data is being  complied and stored by the merchants and social media companies you visit.

Businesses devour Big Data to accuratelly decide what to produce and sell. Data drives economies. Data is most valuable commodity to commerence, more than anything else. Big Data is the new oil of our World.

Our data is being stored in the cloud, run by Data Centers. These centers use massive amounts of energy to protect and make available data, to be sold again and again to  the highest bidders.

Milennials are the largest demographic adult population in the World. They demand ESG companies preserve and protect the Planet and they show this with their purchases. Global enterprises target the purchases of the Millennials, through Big Data, to survive and grow their companies as well as stock price appreciation.

Innovation is being driven by all the problems being solved for the Millennials. Those Innovative growth companies are the focus of investment strategy.